Bryan Post

Spezialist Attachement/Trauma für schwererziehbare Jugendliche
Bryan Post

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Bryan Post

 Bryan Post

Spezialist Attachement/Trauma für schwererziehbare Jugendliche

"Erfahrungen eines internationalen Pioniers: was ist wichtig im Umgang mit schwer traumatisierten jungen Menschen?"


Bryan Post, founder of the post institue together with Kristi Saul. They are unique in that they have chosen to not only teach and train parents and professionals, but they also have been in the trenches implementing the model of love based parenting in group home settings, therapeutic foster homes, and their own home. Their trauma informed model and understanding has been used by numerous agencies in training foster and adoptive parents as well as direct care staff in treatment settings. They understand the challenges of parenting traumatized children, not just from an intellectual perspective but through firsthand experience.


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